Adding Product Video

Adding Product Video

o add product video, you must first obtain an API Key from your Google account and enter it in the configuration of your store. Then, you can link to the video from the product.

Step 1: Get your YouTube API key

  1. Log in to your Google account and visit the Google Developers Console.

  2. In the Search field at the top, enter YouTube Data API v3 and click the search icon.

  3. When the API page is displayed, make sure it is enabled.

  4. In the left panel, choose Credentials.

  5. Depending on whether you have credentials or not, do one of the following:

    • If you already have the needed credentials, copy the key in the API keys table.

    • If you do not already have credentials for this API, click Create Credentials at the top and follow the prompts to create the needed credentials. Under Get your credentials, copy the API key and click Done.

  6. Copy the API key to the clipboard.

  7. Click the Edit icon on the right and set the restrictions to make sure the API key is limited to the correct referrers.

  8. Wait a few moments while the key is generated and then copy the key to the clipboard.

    In the next step, you will paste the key into your store’s configuration.

2021-03-23 12:46:00
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